Sports Podcasts: A Trustworthy Advertising Channel for Brands – 2024 Insights

In a rapidly evolving media landscape, sports podcasts are emerging as a major player in the advertising space, offering brands a unique and highly trusted channel to engage with an affluent audience. New research from the Sport Social Podcast Network in collaboration with Kantar reveals key insights into why sports podcasts are outperforming traditional and digital advertising platforms in terms of trust, engagement, and conversion rates. With the global podcast advertising market expected to soar to $43 billion by 2032, understanding how to tap into this growing medium is essential for brands and marketers.

A podcast microphone surrounded by sports memorabilia, symbolizing the intersection of sports and audio content in modern media.
A podcast microphone surrounded by sports memorabilia, symbolizing the intersection of sports and audio content in modern media.

Why Sports Podcasts Stand Out in Advertising

Research has shown that sports podcast listeners place an exceptional amount of trust in podcast advertisements compared to other forms of media. According to Sport Social’s 2024 Listener Survey, sports podcasts are viewed as more reliable than social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube, and even outperform traditional outlets like print and sports radio.

Trust Statistics at a Glance:

  • 2.3x more likely to trust sports podcast ads than print and sports radio consumers.
  • Ranked second only to TikTok in terms of ad impressionability.

These findings signal a significant opportunity for brands looking to build meaningful relationships with a dedicated audience who actively engages with content.

Deep Dive: How Trust Influences Consumer Behavior

One of the most compelling findings of the survey is that trust in sports podcasts translates directly into consumer action. Sports podcast listeners are more responsive to advertising promotions compared to other digital channels.

Consumer Engagement Highlights:

  • 1.3x more likely to respond to ad promotions than users of other digital platforms.
  • 55% of sports podcast listeners have visited a brand’s website after hearing an ad.
  • 40% have gone further and purchased products advertised in their favorite podcasts.

The combination of trust and active engagement makes sports podcast advertising a highly effective tool for driving conversions. This engagement level is not often seen on traditional channels, making sports podcasts a unique space for brand promotions.

Uncovering the Affluent Demographic of Sports Podcast Listeners

Sports podcasts attract not just loyal fans but also an audience with significant purchasing power. The average income of a sports podcast listener is 32% higher than the national UK average, far surpassing the income levels associated with platforms like TikTok and X (formerly Twitter).

Income and Lifestyle Insights:

  • 78% of sports podcast listeners are homeowners.
  • Nearly a third of the audience (32%) has a household income exceeding £100,000 annually.
  • The average income of sports podcast listeners is 32% higher than the UK national average.
  • By comparison, TikTok’s audience income is 4% lower, and X users’ income is 8% higher than the UK average.

This affluent demographic represents a golden opportunity for brands, especially those looking to target high-net-worth individuals.

Key Audience Behavioral Insights

The report also sheds light on the lifestyle habits of sports podcast listeners, challenging the stereotype of sports fans as being one-dimensional consumers. The findings reveal that the majority of these listeners are physically active and have diverse interests, from personal care to alcohol consumption.

Audience Activity Breakdown:

  • 73% of sports podcast listeners are physically active, regularly engaging in exercise.
  • 49% spend on personal care products.
  • 54% enjoy beer, wine, or spirits, further expanding the range of product categories that could benefit from sports podcast advertising.

These insights underline the fact that brands in various industries — not just sports — stand to gain by advertising on sports podcasts. From personal care to fitness products, there is a wide array of opportunities to connect with this engaged, affluent audience.

Podcast Advertising Spend on the Rise

The findings come against the backdrop of rapidly increasing podcast ad spend. According to the latest IAB/PwC Digital Adspend report, podcast advertising saw a 23% increase year-on-year. As more brands recognize the effectiveness of podcasts as an advertising channel, the industry is expected to continue its upward trajectory.

Podcast Advertising Growth:

  • Global podcast ad market projected to be worth $43 billion by 2032.
  • Year-on-year growth of 23% in podcast ad spend, signaling increasing confidence from brands and agencies.

The Intimacy Factor: Why Podcast Ads Work

One of the reasons behind the effectiveness of sports podcast ads lies in the intimacy of the format. Unlike traditional print or radio ads, podcast listeners often develop deep, personal relationships with their favorite hosts. This trust translates into higher engagement levels and makes sports podcasts a much more effective medium for delivering brand messages.

Factors Contributing to Effectiveness:

  • Intimacy: Podcast listeners often feel like they are part of a conversation, creating a more personal and trusted connection.
  • Longer Attention Spans: Sports podcasts typically have longer formats, providing more time for in-depth ad delivery.
  • Loyal Audiences: Sports fans tend to be loyal, frequently tuning in to their favorite shows, giving brands repeated exposure.

Expert Commentary

Ruth Fitzsimons, Head of International at Sport Social Podcast Network, highlights the growing appeal of sports podcasts for advertisers:

“The more we learn about sports podcast audiences, the more they become an incredibly appealing market for advertisers. This report illustrates how podcasting as a channel offers unique audiences, brand engagement, and high effectiveness. This is a medium with loyal fans who trust and engage with podcast ads, and we’ve likely underestimated their purchasing power.”

Strategic Implications for Brands and Marketers

For brands and marketing teams, the implications are clear: sports podcasts offer a highly effective channel for reaching a trustworthy, affluent, and engaged audience. By including sports podcasts in their advertising mix, brands can not only tap into a loyal fanbase but also leverage the medium’s inherent intimacy to build stronger consumer relationships.


As the advertising landscape continues to shift, sports podcasts are carving out a unique and highly valuable space. With their combination of high trust, affluent listeners, and increasing engagement, sports podcasts present an unprecedented opportunity for brands. The data is clear — brands that invest in podcast advertising can expect significant returns, from higher website traffic to direct product purchases. With the global podcast advertising market poised for exponential growth, the time for brands to capitalize on sports podcasts is now.

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