Imran Khan Discusses Gaslighting in Ira Khan’s Upcoming Podcast Trailer


Bollywood sensation Aamir Khan’s daughter, Ira Khan, is gearing up to make waves in the podcasting world with her latest venture, “Call Me Hopeful.” The trailer of her much-anticipated podcast recently hit the airwaves, offering a tantalizing glimpse into what listeners can expect from her thought-provoking show.

Trailer | Call Me Hopeful with Ira Khan ft. Imran Khan, Vir Das, Kenny  Sebastian, Mallika Dua

Imran Khan’s Insightful Commentary

One of the highlights of the trailer was actor Imran Khan’s insightful discourse on the phenomenon of gaslighting. As he makes his comeback to the spotlight, Imran delves deep into the subject, questioning its prevalence and implications in contemporary society.

Objective of “Call Me Hopeful”

In an accompanying social media post, Ira Khan elucidated the mission behind her podcast, emphasizing the urgent need to address the rampant misinformation, oversimplification, and overcomplication surrounding mental health discourse on the internet.


The Story Unfolds

Bollywood scion Ira Khan, following in the footsteps of her illustrious father, Aamir Khan, has embarked on a journey to shed light on mental health through her upcoming podcast, “Call Me Hopeful.” In a captivating trailer, Ira unveiled a star-studded lineup of guests, promising engaging discussions and invaluable insights.

The trailer offered a tantalizing sneak peek into the diverse array of personalities set to grace the podcast, with notable names including Imran Khan, Vir Das, Mallika Dua, and Kenny Sebastian. However, it was Imran Khan’s profound reflections on gaslighting that stole the spotlight, sparking intrigue and anticipation among eager listeners.


Imran Khan, known for his discerning intellect and eloquence, pondered the intricacies of gaslighting, questioning its ubiquitous presence in contemporary discourse. “I hear the phrase ‘gaslight’ being thrown around so much now,” he mused. “And you’re like, okay, while that is a real and valid thing, is everything gaslighting?”

The Purpose Unveiled

In her social media announcement, Ira Khan provided invaluable insight into the overarching objective of “Call Me Hopeful.” With a keen eye for the prevalent misinformation plaguing mental health discussions online, Ira aims to carve out a space for nuanced, balanced conversations on the subject.


“There’s a lot of information, misinformation, oversimplification, and then overcomplication of a lot of concepts and things that we talk about in regards to mental health on the internet,” Ira elaborated. “And this show is meant to be a place where I can discuss those things with various different people.”

A Beacon of Hope

As the countdown to the podcast’s debut on May 12 at 11 am begins, anticipation continues to mount among eager listeners. With “Call Me Hopeful,” Ira Khan endeavors to navigate the murky waters of mental health discourse, offering a beacon of hope and understanding in an increasingly complex digital landscape.


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