Marvel’s Wastelanders: A Gripping Journey into the Post-Apocalyptic Marvel Universe

Marvel’s Wastelanders is an extraordinary audio adventure that takes listeners on a thrilling journey through a post-apocalyptic version of the Marvel Universe. Produced by Marvel New Media and SiriusXM in association with Wave Runner Studios, this groundbreaking series of interconnected radio drama podcasts has captivated audiences since its launch in June 2021. With its gripping storyline, exceptional voice acting, and stellar cast, Marvel’s Wastelanders has become a must-listen for fans of Marvel comics and audio storytelling.

Marvel's Wastelanders Podcast - Post-apocalyptic Marvel heroes in audio drama form
Discover the post-apocalyptic Marvel universe in Marvel’s Wastelanders podcast

Marvel’s Wastelanders Story Summary

Marvel’s Wastelanders is an interconnected series of six radio drama podcasts that take place in a dystopian future known as the Old Man Logan universe. In this alternate timeline, the world’s supervillains, including Doctor Doom, Red Skull, and Baron Zemo, have banded together to eliminate almost all superheroes, establishing their dominance over society. The surviving heroes, such as Wolverine, Hawkeye, and Black Widow, are either in hiding or have been reduced to shadows of their former selves.

The series kicks off with Marvel’s Wastelanders: Old Man Star-Lord, which follows the story of Peter Quill, also known as Star-Lord. Peter, accompanied by his loyal companion Rocket Raccoon, returns to Earth on a mission for The Collector. Little does he know that his arrival will set off a chain of events that will ultimately lead to a final gathering of heroes for one last mission.

Each subsequent series in Marvel’s Wastelanders delves into the individual stories of different characters. Marvel’s Wastelanders: Hawkeye focuses on Clint Barton, known as Hawkeye, as he navigates the treacherous wasteland and confronts the challenges that come his way. Marvel’s Wastelanders: Black Widow explores the journey of Natasha Romanoff, also known as Black Widow, as she fights to survive and seeks redemption in a world ruled by villains. Marvel’s Wastelanders: Wolverine takes us on a gritty adventure with Logan, the iconic mutant with an adamantium skeleton, as he confronts his past and battles against formidable adversaries.

In September 2021, the series expanded with Marvel’s Wastelanders: Doom, which centers around the iconic supervillain Victor Von Doom. The podcast delves into Doom’s motivations, his rise to power, and the role he plays in the post-apocalyptic world. Throughout the series, listeners are treated to an exploration of the complex characters, their struggles, and their journey towards redemption or ultimate downfall.

Marvel’s Wastelanders is renowned for its compelling storytelling, bringing to life the gritty and desolate setting of the Old Man Logan universe. The series features exceptional voice acting from a star-studded cast, with Timothy Busfield as Star-Lord, Stephen Lang as Hawkeye, Susan Sarandon as Black Widow, Robert Patrick as Wolverine, and Dylan Baker as Doom. The voice actors skillfully portray the emotional depth, conflicts, and resilience of their respective characters, immersing listeners in this dark and dangerous world.

As the series progresses, alliances are formed, secrets are revealed, and unexpected twists keep listeners engaged and eager for more. The interconnected nature of Marvel’s Wastelanders adds layers of complexity and allows for the exploration of various storylines within the overarching narrative. Marvel’s Wastelanders is a testament to the power of audio storytelling, showcasing the enduring popularity of Marvel characters and their ability to captivate audiences in new and innovative ways. Whether you’re a comic book fan or simply enjoy immersive narratives, Marvel’s Wastelanders is a thrilling and unforgettable journey into a post-apocalyptic Marvel universe.

A Unique Setting

Set in a variation of the Old Man Logan universe, Marvel’s Wastelanders presents a bleak future where supervillains, led by Doctor Doom, Red Skull, and Baron Zemo, have joined forces to eradicate almost all superheroes. The world is now under their control, and the surviving heroes, including Wolverine, Hawkeye, and Black Widow, are either in hiding or mere remnants of their former selves. The series masterfully explores the consequences of this new world order and the struggles faced by these once-mighty heroes.

The Journey Begins

Marvel’s Wastelanders series kicks off with Marvel’s Wastelanders: Old Man Star-Lord, which launched to critical acclaim in June 2021. Each podcast in the series focuses on a different iconic character, offering a deep dive into their personal stories and challenges within this dystopian landscape. Subsequent series include Marvel’s Wastelanders: Hawkeye, Black Widow, Wolverine, and the recently announced Marvel’s Wastelanders: Doom. Together, they form an immersive audio epic that keeps listeners on the edge of their seats.

Immersive Storytelling and Stellar Cast

Marvel’s Wastelanders has gained recognition for its exceptional storytelling and immersive audio experience. The writing is top-notch, expertly blending action, suspense, and emotional depth to bring the post-apocalyptic world to life. Furthermore, the series boasts an incredible lineup of talent, with acclaimed actors lending their voices to the characters. Timothy Busfield as Star-Lord, Stephen Lang as Hawkeye, Susan Sarandon as Black Widow, Robert Patrick as Wolverine, and Dylan Baker as Doom deliver captivating performances that breathe life into these beloved Marvel heroes and villains.

Anticipation Builds

As fans eagerly follow the journey of each individual hero, Marvel’s Wastelanders keeps them on the edge of their seats with twists, turns, and unexpected alliances. The unique blend of character-driven narratives and the overarching storyline creates an engaging listening experience. The final series in the Wastelanders “audio epic” is set to launch in December 2022, promising an epic team-up featuring Star-Lord, Hawkeye, Black Widow, Wolverine, and Doom. The anticipation for this grand finale is palpable among fans.

Marvel’s Wastelanders Podcast review

Marvel’s Wastelanders has taken the podcasting world by storm with its captivating storytelling, impressive voice acting, and immersive post-apocalyptic setting. This interconnected series of six radio drama podcasts, produced by Marvel New Media and SiriusXM in association with Wave Runner Studios, brings to life the dystopian Old Man Logan universe in a way that will leave you on the edge of your seat.

Marvel’s Wastelanders is a masterful creation that seamlessly blends the world of comics with the audio format, delivering a gripping and intense experience for listeners. The series introduces us to a future timeline where supervillains have risen to power, wiping out most of the superheroes. This bleak and desolate setting sets the stage for an epic tale of survival, redemption, and the fight against tyranny.

One of the standout aspects of Marvel’s Wastelanders is the exceptional voice acting. The star-studded cast, including Timothy Busfield as Star-Lord, Stephen Lang as Hawkeye, Susan Sarandon as Black Widow, Robert Patrick as Wolverine, and Dylan Baker as Doom, brings these beloved characters to life with depth and authenticity. Their performances are captivating, drawing listeners into the emotional journey of each character and immersing them in the post-apocalyptic world.

The writing in Marvel’s Wastelanders is top-notch, skillfully weaving together multiple storylines and maintaining a consistent tone throughout. The series offers a perfect balance of action, suspense, and character development, keeping listeners hooked from the first episode to the last. Each podcast focuses on a different character, allowing for a deep exploration of their individual struggles, motivations, and personal growth.

What sets Marvel’s Wastelanders apart is its ability to create a rich and vivid audio landscape. The sound design and production quality are exceptional, transporting listeners into the heart of the wasteland. From the eerie silence of desolate landscapes to the intense battle sequences, every sound effect is meticulously crafted, enhancing the overall immersion and adding an extra layer of realism to the storytelling.

Another commendable aspect of Marvel’s Wastelanders is its interconnected nature. While each podcast can be enjoyed independently, the overarching narrative and references to other characters and events create a sense of cohesion and depth. This interconnectivity adds an exciting layer of anticipation and encourages fans to delve deeper into the Marvel universe.

It’s worth noting that Marvel’s Wastelanders does an excellent job of introducing the Old Man Logan universe to both long-time comic book enthusiasts and newcomers alike. Even if you’re not familiar with the source material, the series provides enough context and backstory to ensure an enjoyable and immersive experience.

Marvel’s Wastelanders is a tour de force in the world of podcasting. Its expert storytelling, stellar voice acting, immersive sound design, and interconnected narrative make it a standout series in the genre. Whether you’re a Marvel fan or simply love thrilling audio dramas, this post-apocalyptic adventure will leave you eagerly anticipating each new episode. Dive into Marvel’s Wastelanders today and prepare for an unforgettable journey through a world where heroes rise from the ashes.


Marvel’s Wastelanders has proven to be a groundbreaking addition to the world of podcasting, delivering an immersive and captivating experience for fans of Marvel and audio storytelling alike. With its post-apocalyptic setting, exceptional writing, outstanding voice acting, and a star-studded cast, this series has redefined what is possible in the realm of audio dramas. If you’re a fan of Marvel comics or simply enjoy gripping narratives, Marvel’s Wastelanders is a must-listen that will transport you into a world unlike any other. Embark on this audio adventure today and discover the magic of Marvel’s Wastelanders.

FAQs on Marvel’s Wastelanders Podcast

Q: What is Marvel’s Wastelanders podcast?
A: Marvel’s Wastelanders is an interconnected series of six radio drama podcasts produced by Marvel New Media and SiriusXM. It is set in a variation of the Old Man Logan universe, a future timeline where supervillains have eradicated most superheroes.

Q: How many episodes are there in Marvel’s Wastelanders?
A: Each series within Marvel’s Wastelanders consists of multiple episodes. The exact number varies depending on the specific podcast.

Q: Do I need to be familiar with the Old Man Logan storyline to enjoy Marvel’s Wastelanders?
A: While some knowledge of the Old Man Logan storyline can enhance the experience, Marvel’s Wastelanders provides enough context and backstory to ensure that both longtime fans and newcomers can enjoy the podcasts.

Q: Are the podcasts standalone or interconnected?
A: Marvel’s Wastelanders podcasts can be enjoyed both individually and as part of the larger interconnected narrative. While each series focuses on a different character, there are references and connections that add depth to the overall story.

Q: Who are the main voice actors in Marvel’s Wastelanders?
A: Marvel’s Wastelanders features an impressive cast of voice actors, including Timothy Busfield as Star-Lord, Stephen Lang as Hawkeye, Susan Sarandon as Black Widow, Robert Patrick as Wolverine, and Dylan Baker as Doom.

Q: Is Marvel’s Wastelanders suitable for all ages?
A: Marvel’s Wastelanders is primarily targeted towards mature audiences due to its intense storytelling and themes. Some content may not be suitable for young children.

Q: Where can I listen to Marvel’s Wastelanders?
A: Marvel’s Wastelanders podcasts are available on various podcast platforms, including Apple Podcasts, Spotify, and SiriusXM.

Q: Will there be more series within Marvel’s Wastelanders?
A: Marvel has hinted at future series within the Wastelanders universe, including a team-up series featuring Star-Lord, Hawkeye, Black Widow, Wolverine, and Doom. Fans can look forward to further expansions of this thrilling audio epic.

Q: Can I listen to Marvel’s Wastelanders for free?
A: Marvel’s Wastelanders podcasts may have different availability depending on the platform. Some episodes may be accessible for free, while others may require a subscription or purchase.

Q: Is there a recommended listening order for Marvel’s Wastelanders?
A: Each series within Marvel’s Wastelanders can be enjoyed independently. However, to fully appreciate the interconnected narrative, it is recommended to listen to them in the order they were released.

About Author

The Podcasting Research Team is a dynamic and passionate group of young researchers who are dedicated to exploring the world of podcasting. Whether you’re a podcast creator, a marketer, or simply a curious listener, the work of The Podcasting Research Team can provide valuable insights into the trends and best practices in the podcasting world.

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