What is RSS in Podcasting and its Importance


RSS (Really Simple Syndication) is a commonly used technology for distributing and distributing content, including audio content like podcasts. In this handout note, we will delve into the role of RSS in podcasting and its importance for podcast listeners and creators.


What is RSS?

RSS is a format for publishing content, like blog posts or news articles, so that they can be easily distributed and consumed. It’s like a news feed that users can subscribe to, so they receive notifications when new content is published.

How Does RSS Work in Podcasting?

When a podcast is published, an RSS feed is automatically generated that includes information about each episode, such as its title, description, and audio file. This feed is what allows podcast listeners to subscribe to a podcast and receive new episodes automatically.


For podcast creators, publishing an RSS feed makes it easy to distribute their podcast to a variety of platforms, such as Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, and Spotify. By submitting the RSS feed to these platforms, creators can reach a wider audience and make it easier for listeners to find their podcast.

The Benefits of Using RSS in Podcasting

There are several benefits to using RSS in podcasting, both for podcast listeners and creators.


For listeners, subscribing to a podcast through an RSS feed means that they can receive new episodes automatically without having to manually check for updates. This saves time and makes it easier to keep up with their favorite podcasts.

For creators, publishing an RSS feed makes it easier to distribute their podcast to a variety of platforms and reach a wider audience. This also allows them to track the performance of their podcast, such as the number of downloads, and see how their audience is growing over time.


Let’s understand it with a simple example-I am sure you must have a social media page and once you add a post it becomes available for everyone. Similarly, When you stream a podcast, it’s all information is added to the RSS feed, which helps in sharing and distributing that content to certain platforms. The RSS feed carries the show title, meta tag and description you’ve added to the show. Once you add and publish a new podcast, your RSS feed updates to reflect that information, and pushes it to directories you’ve syndicated your podcast in. There are a numerous way to add RSS feed. It can be created by the hosting provider where you were hosting your podcast, or you can create your own RSS feed. It actually automates the content scheduling, and adds your content to multiple platforms.

History of RSS

  • Preceded by Web Syndication Attempts: The concept of restructuring data and information about websites goes back to 1995 when Ramanathan V. Guha and others in Apple’s Advanced Technology Group developed the Meta Content Framework.
  • Origin: The first version of RSS, RDF Site Summary, was created by Dan Libby and Ramanathan V. Guha at Netscape in March 1999 for use on the My.Netscape.Com portal. This was known as RSS 0.9.
  • Development: In July 1999, Dan Libby of Netscape produced a new version, RSS 0.91, which simplified the format by removing RDF elements and incorporating elements from Dave Winer’s news syndication format. Libby also renamed the format from RDF to RSS Rich Site Summary and outlined further development of the format in a “futures document”.



Who invented RSS?

RSS (Really Simple Syndication) was invented by Dave Winer, a software developer, and scripting News co-founder in the year 1999. It was created as a way to make it easier for users to subscribe to and receive updates from their favorite websites, without having to continually visit each site to check for new content.

What is a Podcast RSS Feed?

A Podcast RSS Feed, also known as a Really Simple Syndication (RSS) Feed, is a vital component in the distribution of a podcast. Essentially, it is a web feed format that contains all the essential information about your podcast, including the show title, descriptions, and episode details.


The purpose of a Podcast RSS Feed is to help podcast creators share and distribute their content across different platforms and directories, such as Apple Podcasts, Spotify, and Google Podcasts. Whenever a new episode is added and published, the RSS feed automatically updates with the new information, making it easy for listeners to access and stay up-to-date with their favorite shows.

Creating a Podcast RSS Feed can be done through your podcast hosting provider or by using a specialized RSS creation tool. Regardless of the method, having a well-structured and up-to-date RSS Feed is crucial for a successful podcasting experience, both for the creators and the listeners.


Is RSS good for podcasting?

Yes, RSS is very good for podcasting. RSS, or Really Simple Syndication, is the standard format for distributing and sharing podcasts. By using an RSS feed, podcasts are automatically updated and distributed to different platforms, making it easier for listeners to find and subscribe to a podcast. It also allows podcast creators to have more control over the distribution and appearance of their content. With the help of an RSS feed, podcasts are syndicated to various directories such as Apple Podcasts, Spotify, and Google Podcasts, making it more accessible for listeners to discover and subscribe to the podcast. Overall, using an RSS feed for podcasting is a convenient and effective way to distribute and promote the content.

How to use RSS feed for podcasts?

RSS feeds are an essential tool for podcasting as they provide a way to distribute and share your podcast content to multiple platforms. Here are the steps to use an RSS feed for your podcast:

  1. Create an RSS Feed: Your podcast hosting platform might provide you with an RSS feed, or you can create your own using software like FeedBurner or Castos.
  2. Add your podcast information: You will need to add information about your podcast such as the show title, description, and episode details to your RSS feed.
  3. Syndicate your podcast: By submitting your podcast’s RSS feed to different podcast directories, your content can be easily found by listeners and distributed across multiple platforms, such as Apple Podcasts, Spotify, and Google Podcasts.
  4. Update your feed regularly: Whenever you publish a new episode, make sure to update your RSS feed so that it reflects the latest information about your podcast.
  5. Monitor your feed: Regularly check your feed to ensure that it is functioning properly and that your podcast information is up-to-date.

By using an RSS feed, you can streamline the distribution of your podcast and reach a wider audience.

What is RSS used for?

RSS (Really Simple Syndication or Rich Site Summary) is a web feed format used to distribute frequently updated content, such as news articles, blog posts, or podcast episodes. It is used for distributing content from one source to multiple platforms and subscribers, allowing users to keep up with new content from their favorite websites or podcasts without having to visit each site individually. RSS feeds can be subscribed to using an RSS reader or aggregator, which automatically updates with new content as it becomes available. This saves time and ensures that users always have access to the latest information from their favorite sources. Additionally, many websites and content management systems use RSS to distribute their content to subscribers, making it a popular and widely used technology for content distribution.

What is difference between podcast and RSS?

Podcast and RSS are two different concepts, but they are related to each other in the world of digital media. A podcast is an audio or video show that you can listen to or watch over the internet, usually on a specific topic. On the other hand, RSS (Really Simple Syndication) is a technology used to distribute and share content, such as blog posts, articles, or podcasts, on the internet.

In the context of podcasting, an RSS feed is used to distribute a podcast to different platforms and directories, such as iTunes, Spotify, or Google Podcasts. The RSS feed contains all the metadata and information about a podcast episode, such as the title, description, release date, and file URL. When you publish a new episode, the information is automatically updated in the RSS feed and distributed to all the platforms you’ve syndicated your podcast to.

In short, a podcast is a type of content, while an RSS feed is the mechanism used to distribute and share that content. An RSS feed is a must-have for every podcast as it makes it easier to reach a wider audience and grow your podcast’s visibility.

Does Spotify use RSS for podcasts?

Yes, Spotify uses RSS feeds for podcasts. Podcasts on Spotify are distributed through RSS feeds, which allows them to be automatically updated on the platform when new episodes are published. Podcast creators can submit their RSS feed to Spotify, and the platform will automatically pull in the latest episodes as they are released. This makes it easy for listeners to stay up-to-date with their favorite podcasts and ensures that the content is always fresh and current.

how to create an rss feed for a podcast for free?

Creating an RSS feed for your podcast is essential if you want to reach a wider audience and make your podcast accessible to listeners on different platforms. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to create an RSS feed for your podcast for free:

  1. Choose a hosting platform: Choose a hosting platform that supports podcasting and provides an easy way to create an RSS feed. Some popular options include Anchor, Buzzsprout, Podbean, and Spreaker.
  2. Set up your podcast: Once you’ve chosen your hosting platform, set up your podcast by adding your show details, such as the title, description, and artwork.
  3. Add your episodes: Upload your episodes to the hosting platform, and add the necessary information for each episode, including the title, description, and audio file.
  4. Create the RSS feed: The hosting platform will automatically create an RSS feed for your podcast based on the information you’ve provided. You can find the link to your RSS feed in your account settings or on your podcast’s show page.
  5. Syndicate your podcast: Share your RSS feed link with popular podcast directories, such as Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, Spotify, and Stitcher, to make your podcast accessible to a wider audience.

Note: Some hosting platforms may charge a fee for hosting and creating an RSS feed. If you’re looking for a free option, you can also create an RSS feed using open-source tools like Feedburner or Podlove Publisher.

How to get rss feed for spotify podcast?

Unfortunately, Spotify does not provide an RSS feed for its podcasts. If you want to distribute your podcast on Spotify, you will need to use their partner platform, such as Anchor, that helps in publishing your podcast on their platform.

Here are the steps to publish a podcast on Spotify using Anchor:

  1. Create an account with Anchor.fm.
  2. Record and upload your podcast episode.
  3. Add show notes, titles, and descriptions for your podcast episode.
  4. Submit your podcast to Spotify.
  5. Once your podcast is approved, it will be available on the Spotify platform.

Keep in mind that you need to meet certain criteria and guidelines set by Spotify to get your podcast approved and published on their platform.

podcast rss feed example

A Podcast RSS feed is a format used to publish and distribute audio or video content over the internet. It acts as a pipeline to stream your podcast to various platforms and directories. The feed includes essential information about your podcast such as the show title, description, and meta tags. It also includes the audio or video file, and the episode title, description, and show notes. Podcast RSS feeds are typically generated by the hosting platform where the podcast is hosted, but it can also be created using an RSS feed generator. The RSS feed URL is then added to directories and platforms such as Apple Podcasts, Spotify, and Google Podcasts, which use the feed to index and distribute the podcast to listeners. An example of a podcast RSS feed could look like this: <rss xmlns:itunes="http://www.itunes.com/dtds/podcast-1.0.dtd" version="2.0">

best rss feed for podcast

When it comes to choosing the best RSS feed for your podcast, there are a number of factors to consider, including the ease of use, reliability, and versatility of the feed. Some of the most popular and well-regarded options include Feedburner, Libsyn, and Simplecast. Each of these platforms offers unique features and benefits, so it’s important to choose the one that’s right for your specific needs and budget. For example, Feedburner is a popular and well-established platform that is easy to use, offers detailed analytics, and has a large user base. On the other hand, Simplecast is a newer platform that is known for its sleek, modern interface and user-friendly design, and it is quickly becoming a go-to choice for many podcasters. Ultimately, the best RSS feed for your podcast will depend on your individual requirements, budget, and preferences.

google podcast rss feed

Google Podcasts uses the standard RSS feed format to manage and distribute podcast content. To add a podcast to Google Podcasts, the show’s producer or host must provide a valid and up-to-date RSS feed that complies with the industry standards. The RSS feed should include information such as the show’s title, description, episode titles and descriptions, and the audio file URLs. Once the podcast is added to Google Podcasts, the platform uses the RSS feed to keep the content updated and in sync with other distribution channels. The Google Podcasts platform can be a powerful tool for podcast producers, as it provides a simple way to reach a large and engaged audience. To get started with Google Podcasts, producers should create a valid and accurate RSS feed and submit it to the platform for review and approval.

What is rss builder?

An RSS builder is a tool used to create and manage an RSS feed for a podcast or website. This tool simplifies the process of creating and updating an RSS feed by providing a user-friendly interface for adding and organizing content. An RSS builder typically allows you to add elements such as title, description, and enclosure (for media files) to your feed, and also allows you to manage the feed and make updates as needed. Some popular examples of RSS builders include Feedburner, Feedity, and Podbean. These tools are useful for both beginner and advanced users as they help in creating an efficient and effective RSS feed for your podcast or website, helping to reach a wider audience and improve discoverability.

What is rss feed podcast app?

An RSS feed podcast app is a software application that allows users to access and manage their podcasts by subscribing to the podcasts’ RSS feeds. An RSS feed is a format for delivering content, such as podcast episodes, in a standardized and automated manner. With an RSS feed podcast app, users can subscribe to their favorite podcasts, receive new episodes automatically, and manage their subscriptions in one place. Some popular examples of RSS feed podcast apps include Apple Podcasts, Overcast, Pocket Casts, and Castro. These apps are available for various platforms, including iOS, Android, and desktop computers. By using an RSS feed podcast app, users can easily discover new podcasts, subscribe to them, and stay up-to-date with their favorite shows without having to manually check for new episodes.

how to listen to rss podcast?

Listening to a podcast through an RSS feed is quite simple. All you need is a podcast app that supports RSS feeds, and you can subscribe to the feed. Here are the steps to listen to an RSS podcast:

  1. Choose a podcast app: There are several podcast apps available such as Apple Podcasts, Overcast, Pocket Casts, and more. Choose one that suits your needs and download it.
  2. Subscribe to the RSS feed: To subscribe to the RSS feed, you need the link to the feed. You can usually find the link on the podcast website, or by searching for the podcast in a directory like iTunes and copying the feed link from there. Once you have the link, paste it into your podcast app and click the “Subscribe” button.
  3. Listen to Episodes: Once you have subscribed to the feed, you will receive new episodes automatically as they become available. You can listen to the episodes by selecting the podcast from your list of subscribed shows, and then selecting the episode you want to listen to.

Note: Some podcast apps may also have a built-in RSS feed reader which you can use to subscribe to the feed.

This is a simple way to listen to an RSS podcast. By subscribing to the feed, you will never miss an episode and will always have access to the latest episodes on your device.

What is patreon rss feed?

Patreon is a platform that allows creators to monetize their content and build a supportive community around their work. Creators can offer various tiers of rewards for their supporters, such as exclusive content or early access to new material. If a creator has a podcast, they can use the RSS feed for their podcast to distribute it through Patreon to their supporters. The RSS feed for the podcast contains all of the latest episodes and updates, and can be integrated into Patreon so that supporters can access the podcast directly from the platform. To set up a Patreon RSS feed for a podcast, the creator would need to get the RSS feed link from their hosting service, and then add it to their Patreon page. This will allow Patreon to automatically update the podcast whenever a new episode is published, making it easy for supporters to stay up-to-date with the latest content.

What are the best rss podcast app?

here are several RSS podcast apps available, and the best one for you may depend on your personal preferences and needs. Some of the most popular and highly rated RSS podcast apps include:

  1. Overcast: This app is known for its clean design and easy-to-use interface. It also has a lot of advanced features like Smart Speed, Voice Boost, and per-podcast settings.
  2. Pocket Casts: This app is known for its cross-platform support and customizable interface. It also has a lot of advanced features like up next queue, filters, and episode trimming.
  3. Castro: This app is known for its minimalist design and focus on simplicity. It also has features like triage mode and the ability to send episodes to other apps for playback.
  4. Stitcher: This app is a popular option for people who like to listen to podcasts on the go. It has a large library of shows and offers personalized recommendations based on your listening habits.
  5. Apple Podcasts: This app is pre-installed on all Apple devices and is the default podcast app for many people. It has a large library of shows, easy-to-use interface, and seamless integration with other Apple services.

Ultimately, the best RSS podcast app for you will depend on your individual preferences and needs, so it may be a good idea to try out a few different options to see which one works best for you.

how to add patreon rss feed to apple podcasts?

To add a Patreon RSS feed to Apple Podcasts, you’ll need to follow these steps:

  1. Obtain your Patreon RSS feed: To get your Patreon RSS feed, log in to your Patreon account and go to your Creators page. Look for the “RSS feed” option under the “Distribution” section. Click on “Get Feed URL” to obtain your feed URL.
  2. Submit your feed to Apple Podcasts: To submit your feed to Apple Podcasts, you’ll need to use the Apple Podcasts Connect platform. Log in to the platform and click on the “+” icon to add a new podcast. Enter the information for your podcast, including the title, description, and cover art. Then, paste the Patreon RSS feed URL in the appropriate field.
  3. Verify your feed: Apple will verify your feed to ensure that it meets their standards. This process can take up to 24 hours.
  4. Wait for approval: Once your feed has been verified, Apple will approve it and your podcast will be added to Apple Podcasts. You’ll receive an email notification once the approval process is complete.

By following these steps, you can easily add your Patreon RSS feed to Apple Podcasts and reach a wider audience.

What is spotify private
 rss feed?

A Spotify private RSS feed is a unique URL that is only accessible to a specific group of people, such as patrons or subscribers of a particular creator or content creator. This type of feed allows the creator to share exclusive content with their most dedicated supporters, without making it publicly available on the main Spotify platform. To access a Spotify private RSS feed, a user typically needs to be a member of the creator’s Patreon or similar platform, and be provided with the private RSS feed URL by the creator. The content provided through the private RSS feed is not indexed by Spotify’s search algorithms, and can only be accessed by those with the URL.

how to get rss feed for apple podcast?

Apple Podcasts, previously known as iTunes Podcasts, uses an RSS feed to distribute and publish podcasts. To get an RSS feed for your podcast on Apple Podcasts, you need to have a hosting platform for your podcast. Most hosting platforms provide an RSS feed that you can use to distribute your podcast on Apple Podcasts.

Here are the steps to get your podcast’s RSS feed for Apple Podcasts:

  1. Choose a hosting platform for your podcast. Some popular options include Buzzsprout, Libsyn, and Podbean.
  2. Create an account with your chosen hosting platform and upload your podcast to their server.
  3. Once you have uploaded your podcast, look for the “RSS feed” or “Feed URL” in the settings of your hosting platform’s account.
  4. Copy the URL for your RSS feed.
  5. Go to the Apple Podcasts Connect website and log in to your account.
  6. Click on “Add a New Show” and paste the URL of your RSS feed.
  7. Fill out the rest of the required information, including the show title, description, and artwork.
  8. Submit your podcast to Apple Podcasts and wait for it to be approved.

Your podcast should now be available on Apple Podcasts and its RSS feed will be updated every time you upload a new episode.

how to listen to rSS feed on spotify?

To listen to an RSS feed on Spotify, you’ll need to first find a podcast that has an RSS feed. An RSS feed is a URL that contains information about a podcast, including its episodes and meta data. Once you have the URL for an RSS feed, follow these steps to listen to it on Spotify:

  1. Open the Spotify app on your device.
  2. Click the “Search” button in the bottom-right corner.
  3. Type in the URL for the RSS feed you want to listen to and press “Enter.”
  4. The podcast should appear in the search results.
  5. Click on the podcast to view its details page.
  6. You can now stream the episodes directly from Spotify, or you can subscribe to the podcast to receive notifications when new episodes are released.

Note: Spotify doesn’t have an official way to add custom RSS feeds, but you can use third-party tools like the “Add Podcast” feature in the “Spotify Podcasts” app to do so. However, these tools are not officially supported by Spotify, so use them at your own risk.

disadvantages of rss feeds

RSS feeds have been a popular way of distributing content for many years, but there are some disadvantages that you should be aware of. Here are a few:

  1. Limited Customization: RSS feeds provide limited options for customizing the content, making it difficult to match the look and feel of your website or blog.
  2. Lack of Interactivity: With RSS feeds, there’s no direct interaction between the reader and the content. This makes it difficult for users to engage with the content, and for publishers to track user behavior.
  3. Low Adoption Rates: While RSS feeds have been around for many years, they still have relatively low adoption rates compared to other technologies. This means that a significant portion of your audience may not be using RSS feeds, and you may be missing out on potential readers or subscribers.
  4. Feed Readers Not User-Friendly: Feed readers can be difficult to use and understand, especially for people who are not tech-savvy. This can limit the reach of your content and reduce the number of people who are able to access and engage with it.
  5. Security Concerns: RSS feeds can also be vulnerable to security threats, such as malware or phishing attacks, which can compromise the security of users who subscribe to your feed.

how to delete a rss feed of a podcast?

To delete an RSS feed of a podcast, you need to remove the feed from the platform or hosting service where it is hosted. The steps may vary depending on the platform you are using, but here is a general guideline:

  1. Log in to your podcast hosting account
  2. Find the section where your RSS feed is located
  3. Delete the feed by either clicking on a delete button or selecting the feed and then choosing the delete option from the drop-down menu
  4. Confirm the deletion by following the prompts
  5. Wait for the feed to be completely removed from the platform, this may take some time depending on the platform

Note: Deleting an RSS feed will not affect your podcast episodes that are already published and distributed, but it will stop any new episodes from being published to your feed.

Additional Resources

RSS is an essential component of podcasting and plays a critical role in distributing and consuming audio content. Whether you’re a podcast listener or creator, understanding the importance of RSS can help you make the most of this popular technology.

If you’re looking for more information on podcasting and how to get started, check out our free podcasting guide. It’s packed with helpful tips and resources to help you launch and grow your podcast. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced podcaster, this guide has everything you need to know to create a successful podcast. From choosing a topic and planning your content, to recording, editing and publishing your episodes, the guide covers it all. So head on over to free podcasting guide and start your journey to becoming a successful podcaster today!


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